








A.     Writing Capacity (50%)

Please illustrate the meaning of ‘society’ with 150 to 250 words.


B.     Translation Exercise (50%)

Please translate the following paragraph in to Chinese.


One can conceive of sociology in a number of ways. The simplest way is to think of a long line of library shelves, tightly packed with books. All books have the word ‘sociology’ in their titles, or in subtitles, or in their list of contents (this is why the librarian put then on theses shelves in the first place). The books carry the names of their authors, who describe themselves as sociologists (that is, are classified as sociologists in their official titles of teachers or researchers). Thinking of these books and their authors, one thinks of a body of knowledge accumulated over the long years during which sociology has been practiced and taught. And so one thinks of sociology as a sort of building tradition—a certain volume of information all newcomers to the field, whether they want to become practicing sociologists or merely to avail themselves of whatever sociology may offer, must first consume, digest appropriate. Or, better still, one thinks of sociology in a way that includes the constant influx of newcomers (new books are always being added to the shelves, after all): one thinks of it as of a continuing activity—a going concern, a constant testing of the received lore of wisdom against new experience, a constant adding to the accumulated knowledge and changing of it in the process.

(Source: Bauman, Zygmunt. (1990). Thinking Sociologically. Oxford: Blackwell. p. l. )